What is the Difference Between a Blood and Urine Pregnancy Test?

If you suspect you’re pregnant, taking a pregnancy test is your first step. A positive result indicates a potential pregnancy and can help you decide whether to have a sonogram (which medically confirms the pregnancy and provides key details). It is crucial to understand the difference between blood- and urine-based pregnancy tests and how they

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Top 7 Pregnancy Symptoms

Even if you have typical pregnancy symptoms, you still need to take a pregnancy test to get an initial answer. Sometimes, these symptoms can come from health conditions, stress, and other sources. If you think you’re pregnant, visit Embrace for lab-quality pregnancy testing. If your test is positive, you’ll be offered a limited sonogram to

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How Do I Tell My Parents I’m Pregnant?

Sharing pregnancy news with your parents can be frightening, especially when there are many unknowns. The uncertainty and added pressure can put an extra weight on your shoulders. Remember that this discussion is one moment in time, and even if it doesn’t go the way you planned, support is available. Speak with Embrace today to

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How Do Pregnancy Tests Work?

Taking a pregnancy test can be a nerve-wracking experience, especially if you aren’t planning to be pregnant. At this time, it’s important to take a deep breath and remind yourself that you need answers first. Embrace provides no-cost, lab-quality pregnancy testing so you can receive an accurate result. If your test is positive, a limited

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What Are the Early Pregnancy Symptoms?

Before you take a pregnancy test, you may have already experienced signs of pregnancy. Symptoms like a missed period, nausea, or fatigue can make you feel varying emotions, from fear to anticipation. And if you weren’t planning to become pregnant, this can feel like one of the most important times of your life. Before rushing

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What Can I Do if My Partner Doesn’t Support My Pregnancy?

Pregnancy can be stressful enough, and if your partner isn’t supportive, you may feel uncertain about what to expect. How can you navigate this situation? Embrace knows this time can be challenging, but you have more support than you may realize. Continue reading to learn more about how to determine your next steps. And if

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What Can I Do if I’m Afraid of Giving Birth?

Birth can be both an overwhelming and beautiful experience. But if you’re worried about giving birth, know you aren’t the first woman to have these fears. Many mothers, especially first-time parents, are fearful of labor and delivery.  These fears are valid. And you deserve to have your questions answered. Your OB/GYN can address any concerns

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Reasons You Need a Ultrasound Before Abortion

Ultrasounds are critical diagnostic tools for viewing bodily structures and identifying certain health conditions. An obstetric ultrasound can view your reproductive organs and assess a pregnancy’s health.  Even if you’re sure you want an abortion, you should still have a ultrasound. This scan provides crucial pregnancy information to help confirm potential options, protect your health,

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Do I Have to Tell My Partner I Want an Abortion?

Navigating an unexpected pregnancy with a partner can be complicated. You may worry about their reaction or question what their level of involvement should be. Know that other women have been in your shoes. First, if you’ve shared your pregnancy news with your partner, consider how they reacted. Were they shocked, scared, or even angry?

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3 Important Things to Consider Before Abortion

Gathering the information you need to make a decision about your unexpected pregnancy can be difficult. You may feel overwhelmed and uncertain, especially during a stressful time.  Embrace is here to provide you with the facts and offer you support. If you are considering abortion, there are several things you’ll want to do before making

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