Though having an abortion might seem like the most effective way to conceal an unexpected pregnancy, keep in mind that the procedure carries risks and side effects you should learn.

Additionally, if you have safety concerns, know you deserve to make a confident choice without pressure or intimidation.

Embrace will explain your options and help you make a thoughtful decision. Keep reading to learn more.

You Are in Control

You might feel ashamed of your pregnancy or want to “make the problem go away” as soon as possible. Maybe your partner has already threatened to leave you if you’re pregnant, or you’re worried your family won’t be supportive.

Regardless of the situation, know that your feelings are valid. However, the pregnancy decision is yours alone to make. Learning about each of your options is essential to making a confident decision.

At Embrace, there’s no need to feel ashamed. You are the top priority, and Embrace’s staff is happy to walk alongside you as you consider what’s best for your life and future.

Here are some essential things to know about abortion.

Understanding Abortion

Abortion is a procedure that ends a pregnancy. All abortion methods come with risks and side effects that can impact your health, so it’s critical to learn everything you can about this option before deciding.

Medical abortion is FDA-approved through 10 weeks gestation and uses drugs to terminate the pregnancy and expel it from the uterus. These drugs will cause cramping and bleeding, though the procedure is also associated with the following risks:

  • Digestive symptoms (i.e., upset stomach)
  • Fever
  • Infection
  • Heavy, prolonged bleeding
  • Incomplete abortion (the body doesn’t expel all the pregnancy tissue, potentially requiring a surgical procedure)

Surgical abortion might be used if the pregnancy is further along. This method uses drugs, surgical instruments, and/or suctioning to end the pregnancy. It poses certain health risks, including:

  • Infection
  • Uterine perforation (when a tool pokes a hole in the uterus)
  • Scar tissue on the uterine wall (which can cause painful periods and infertility)
  • Damage to the cervix

Though abortion may seem like a convenient way to hide your pregnancy, it has potential implications for your health. With the proper support, you can learn about all your options and find clarity before deciding.

Embrace Can Help

In addition to providing factual information on abortion, Embrace can also educate you on adoption and parenting and provide emotional support as you decide. The decision is entirely up to you—-no judgment, no pressure.

Schedule a no-cost appointment today. Help is closer than you think.

Embrace does not provide or refer for abortions.

All abortion information sourced in this blog is based on accurate information at the time of writing.