Abortion is a complicated topic for many people. You likely already have thoughts on the procedure, and an unexpected pregnancy may challenge your opinions. 

Having an abortion is a major medical decision with real consequences. You deserve up-to-date information on each procedure’s side effects and risks. Your health matters, and making an informed decision safeguards your well-being. 

Will a Medical Abortion Hurt?

The discomfort you experience after the procedure depends on your pain tolerance. Some women may find over-the-counter medication helps with side effects, while others may feel more uncomfortable. Listen to your body and note when something seems “off.”

A medical abortion uses mifepristone and misoprostol to end a pregnancy. Mifepristone blocks a hormone called progesterone, which sustains the pregnancy and helps it grow. Misoprostol causes uterine contractions and expels the pregnancy through the vagina. 

If you have a medical abortion (or a surgical abortion, for that matter), you will experience vaginal bleeding and abdominal cramping. After taking the medications, you may also have nausea, vomiting, fever, chills, headache, or diarrhea. 

Sometimes, risks of it will present themselves, including:

  • Fever
  • Infection
  • Digestive system discomfort
  • An ongoing pregnancy (if the procedure doesn’t work)
  • Incomplete abortion (which may need to be followed by surgical abortion)
  • Heavy, prolonged bleeding

Regardless of the procedure, you should always seek emergency medical support if you experience symptoms like intense bleeding or a high fever.

What Should I Know About Surgical Abortion?

Surgical abortion may use medication, surgical instruments, or a suctioning technique to remove the pregnancy from the uterus. It is usually performed later in pregnancy; the most common procedure type is dilation and curettage (D & C). 

You could have serious risks from it, such as:

  • Uterine perforation
  • Damage to the cervix
  • Infection
  • Scar tissue on the uterine wall

Before the procedure, you should speak with a healthcare provider about your medical history, including any known allergies. Receiving a limited ultrasound will also tell you about your pregnancy’s viability, location, and gestational age. This information will provide further insight into your pregnancy’s health and alert you to conditions like miscarriage

Empowering, Compassionate Care

Embrace offers no-cost pregnancy services that you can trust. Contact Embrace today to learn more and make an appointment.