Pregnancy can be stressful enough, and if your partner isn’t supportive, you may feel uncertain about what to expect. How can you navigate this situation?

Embrace knows this time can be challenging, but you have more support than you may realize. Continue reading to learn more about how to determine your next steps. And if you’re interested in no-cost pregnancy services, contact Embrace today.

What is Your Partner’s Role?

Facing a pregnancy, especially if it is unexpected, can change your relationship’s dynamics. Perhaps you and your partner weren’t planning to be pregnant, or this time has invited new fears or questions into your lives.

This is a pivotal moment for your relationship, but remember that this is your pregnancy decision. Determining the role your partner will play moving forward is crucial. 

It’s also helpful to ask yourself why your partner may be unsupportive. Are they pushing you to make a specific decision, or are they generally feeling overwhelmed about this pregnancy?

Know that no one can force you to make a specific pregnancy decision. It’s natural for your partner to feel nervous, frustrated, or scared, but you should never be pressured into choosing something you’re uncomfortable with. 

It may be best to give your partner time to process this news before discussing your next steps. Tensions can be high, and you both might need space.

Creating an Open Dialogue

When you’re ready, it’s crucial to talk with your partner about how they feel. Listening to each other shows you’re committed to building trust in this relationship.

You may find that they’re worried about this pregnancy because they need more information or are unsure about their future. If you feel comfortable, you can encourage your partner to attend a pregnancy options consultation with you at Embrace. 

That way, you can both learn about your options and the resources available if you choose parenting or adoption. You can receive guidance during this time and determine whether you’ll make this decision together. 

Remember, you deserve safety and respect. If your partner is abusive in any way, your health is the priority, and you don’t need to share pregnancy information with them. 

Call 911 during an emergency. And if you need help with things like finding resources or making a safety plan, contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline for 24/7 support. 

No-Cost Services

Regardless of your partner’s level of support, you deserve to make an informed decision. Limited sonograms (following a positive pregnancy test at Embrace) are offered to confirm your pregnancy.  

You can also learn about your options, receive community resource referrals, and more. Embrace does not provide or refer for abortions, but you’ll receive information about the procedure and its effects.

Contact Embrace today to learn more. You are not alone–help is available.