An unplanned pregnancy invites many questions into your life, especially if you’ve been pregnant before and had an abortion. You may be interested in pursuing other options, such as adoption and parenting. 

It can be challenging to sort through your options and make an informed decision, especially when facing outside pressure. But rest assured that pregnancy centers like Embrace are here to provide the information you need. 

Is Adoption as Difficult as They Say It Is?

You may have heard common adoption stereotypes about “giving up a baby” or “signing away your rights.” A common but untrue narrative is that birthmothers can’t form relationships with the adoptive family or exercise control over the process. 

Today, adoption can be the perfect option for you and your lifestyle. You have various adoption plans to choose from and can receive financial and material assistance throughout the process. Adoption agencies often provide emotional support as well. 

The three most common adoption plans are:

  • Open adoption: With this plan, you can choose the adoption family and establish a relationship with the child and adoptive family. Contact can occur via regular visits, letters, and phone calls. 
  • Semi-open adoption: Communication occurs between the birthmother and adoptive family, but this plan necessitates that it takes place via a third party like an adoption agency or attorney. 
  • Closed adoption: This option offers the most privacy. No communication occurs with the adoptive family; all information is kept confidential.

Though adoption is rewarding, it has its challenges. Sometimes birthmothers feel guilt, shame, and other negative emotions during adoption. It’s a difficult decision, which is why emotional support is so important. Embrace assists birthparents with finding counseling that helps them to process these complicated feelings and allow for long-term happiness. 

It is important to remember that adoption can also provide peace of mind. You’ll know that your child is safe, cherished, and loved. 

Is Parenting the Best Choice for Me?

Learning about parenting can feel overwhelming, especially if you’ve witnessed the challenges parents experience in day-to-day life. But success and even joy are possible with the proper tools and support. 

Ask yourself what you’d like to learn about parenting and whether you feel prepared. Do you have the financial means to parent? What about a robust support system? Consider which tools you’d need to thrive as a parent. 

The good news is that community resources are available to help you be the best parent possible. Embrace offers emotional support, material resources, pregnancy services, and education. Get the tools you need to be a great parent while learning to accomplish your dreams and goals. 

Learn More About What Embrace Can Offer You

An unplanned pregnancy doesn’t mean your dreams are over. Contact Embrace today to learn about the no-cost services you can receive.